the Wiki Finder searches every wiki on Wikia, pbWiki, Stikipad, WikiSpaces and WetPaint, as well as Wikipedia.
It was put together by Dave (davepress.net) -
OpenID is a handy system which allows you to have one log-in on multiple websites and is a way of counteracting the ‘oh now what was my password on this website’ problem. The slight difference being that you can choose which website you would like to
Wikileaks is developing an uncensorable system for untraceable mass document leaking and public analysis.
Make requests for information from the UK Government
Explore information that others requested -
Every action of a journalist online is an act of distribution, and because they’re not doing those things, great stories aren’t being read as much as they should, or told as well as they could…
There are a number of different blog post ‘types’ and it’s best to use a number of them regularly, otherwise your blog might end up a bit of a one-trick pony. Here I go through seven different types of post that I have identified.
1. List posts
The Dallas Morning News has put up PDFs of the boxloads of documents about the JFK assassination just released and asked the public to help find the stories therein.
…observing a Total Eclipse of the Moon. My immediate reaction was to reach into my pocket, take out my Nokia N95-3, turn on my personal Wi-Fi hotspot, launch Qik and shared the experience with some of my friends on twitter.
It’s hard to take claims that newspapers are taking the Digital Age seriously when they have so under-invested to compete in it.
Research shows that among the youngest Internet users, the primary creators of Web content (blogs, graphics, photographs, Web sites) are digitally effusive teenage girls.