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"….he has therefore agreed that emails he sent to TM's director of corporate development, Phil Machray, should be published."
"Hussman said the paid content online generates just one-tenth of 1 percent (0.1 percent) of the newspaper's total revenue. But the newspaper has been very successful in keeping print circulation up in part because the newspaper is not giving all its content away for free."
"I think people are struggling to figure out what content people will actually pay for, but I think this is one of several examples of the type of frictionless transaction methods that might work."
"Getting online users to pay for content online (whether by mandatory payment or voluntary donation) works best when you hit the user at a time when he or she already is in payment mode, which of course is no easy task when the user is reading news for free online."
"I’d estimate 60 percent of our revenues come from sponsoring events, with the rest split between advertising and events we host ourselves."
"Marburger compared my article and the Gawker posting and concluded: "This is what in our opinion is a huge contributor to the demise of those who are originating news reports. If you don't change the law to stop this, originators of news reports cannot survive." "
"I think that the internet’s own culture and best practices should form the bedrock starting for thinking about how fair use should opperate in the digital era."
"Boasting giant page views and unique visitors means very little when those you are driving to the site are not sticking around, using it or returning."
"…Chinn said that numbers alone (straight tallies, such as unique visitors or time spent on site) are not very useful for measuring engagement." <— Couldn't agree more and one of the reasons I think ABCes tell you very little that is useful about your readership.
"Almost half of Americans (46%) say they tend to ignore Internet banner ads. Much further down the list are Internet search engine ads (17% of people ignore), television ads (13%), radio ads (9%), and newspaper ads (6%)."
"…until publishers and editors figure out how to identify and engage their readers and make money off of that traffic, aggregators are more a distraction from the real crisis than the cause of it."
"I don’t really read the NYTImes beyond the technology section. But I’m guessing that the top performers in the news room, say the best 5%-10% of the writers and editors, produce 50% or more of the real value of the newspaper. The hungriest reporters. The best writers. The most competitive and aggressive editors."
"The estimate in the Cabinet report for the original project was that it would initially take 7 months i.e. until March 2006. In its current modified scope the project was scheduled for completion in October 2008 and then revised to complete by March 2009. It is now expected to complete in August 2009."
"…though Tracer only launched on March 1, clients already include Politico, the New York Daily News, Hearst Corp., Time Inc., The Wall Street Journal, and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette."
"On average, US traffic is 36.8% of the UK traffic (ie there is just over one US visitor for every 3 UK visitors). The figure for the Telegraph is slightly higher (44.5%) and for the Mail it’s a massive 62.5%"
"Whatever your personal opinion about U.S. copyright law and how it should apply on the Internet, judges who consider the question are obliged to weigh four standards of fair use, including the extent of republication, whether the reuse is itself unique, and how it all affects the commercial market for the original content."