Stated simply: I am the new homepage. Stuff gets to our pages in all kinds of ways, including the semi-serendipitous sharing. All of this, while interesting, might be just prologue. News aggregation is young on Twitter or Facebook, and even on the old folks, Google and Yahoo!. Very first-generation, very primitive, and done by amateurs for amateurs, largely.
Tableau Public is for anyone who likes to post content to the web. It’s a tremendous advancement for online publishers.
"What we're trying to do is go to really localised, small businesses and offer them a proposition that we think is completely different to anything out there. We can say to them: 80 per cent of their custom can come from within their town, but at the moment only 40 per cent of their marketing budget will be spent within that town."
"The news feed will provide a stream of breaking news videos on YouTube, with a focus on strong visuals, non-traditional sources and the very latest uploads (…) Our goal with this news feed is to learn more about the news ecosystem on YouTube," says YouTube's head of news and politics Steve Groves in a blog post.
"The New York Times is building a public beta testing site where it will experiment with new ideas and applications before deciding whether they deserve to go live on NYTimes.com. "
The video, taken from a NASA DC-8 airborne laboratory, depicts the spacecraft’s re-entry into the earth’s atmosphere, where the Hayabusa breaks apart into hundreds of beautiful, glowing pieces.
Today's announcement on licensing coincides with the release of several new data sets both on the TfL developer page and feeds to live tube travel news, tube departure boards, tube station and tube line status on London's Datastore
"Leaving aside those readers who are virtually certain of paying (which, at four percent, is in the accepted premium subscription ratio), there is a significant middle tier, equivalent to nearly a fifth of Times Online readers, which may be persuadable to at least some occasional form of payment."