"Those who do digital / new jobs in traditional businesses [by which I mean anything that existed before 1990], know exactly what this quote means.
They know how impossible it can be to make even the smartest and simplest of ideas happen within an organisation that just doesn’t want it to happen.
Similarly, those who sit on the sidelines: analysts, journalists, bloggers and other commentators can offer clear cut advice and wisdom about what business x or y should do – without ever having to actually do it. Everything always seems so much simpler on the outside."
If two (or possibly more) of your friends write about or share an article featuring the same celebrity, for instance, both of your friends’ updates are collected into a single post on the news feed. The post tells you that both friends “mentioned” that celebrity, links to that celebrity’s Page on Facebook, and shows your friends’ respective updates underneath.
The Monaco Media Forum isn’t exactly Fight Club but James Murdoch, News Corp (NSDQ: NWS) CEO for Europe and Asia, has a first rule: “First rule—if you are going to monetize something, you probably should not give it away for free.”
It’s notable that Google are explicitly positioning Refine in their video as a “data journalism” tool.
A lot of the job was figuring out what reporters and editors wanted to do and figuring out how to enable that with the technology we had and with the resources we had.