On my last post a mini-debate has broken out about whether our exisiting news organisations really need journalists to investigate stories.
A debate also broke out on Twitter between myself and Bobbie “I probably have one of the coolest jobs in the world and get to live in San Fransciso” Johnson of The Guardian.
He was arguing that having investigative journalism was, in a way, a form of marketing for a news brand – a way to identify the product as being better than its competition.
An interesting point that got me thinking.
Russell Brand & Jonanathan Ross, the US elections, the Congo, Gordon Brown shaking hands with Al Qaida suspects – all of these are news stories and all of them have been covered by the UK’s media outlets in one form or another over the last week.
So, what are the things that make you choose to get your news from one organisation rather than another? I tried to make a list: Continue reading