…and I feel a little… well… low, actually.
I think it was probably inevitable – no one can take such a sustained assault on their preconceptions or their liver without some comeback.
I am comforted, however, that I take back home with me some incredible new friendships with people that really inspire me.
There are also a lot of good ideas that the SXSWM team are taking back with them that, given the right reception here in Brum, could have a significant impact on raising the city’s profile in social media.
I have made myself a little list of things I want to write about. I am going to put them in this post so that I make myself follow them up. They are:
- Trust and authenticity online and its application to mainstream media.
- The power of conversation through video (and how Seesmic demonstrates that).
- The benefits and problems of live streaming as part of the newsgathering process.
- The application of gaming strategies to business networking.
- How SXSW will change my behaviour in the newsroom.
I guess I have my work cut out!