Don Was interviews Ozzy Osbourne

I’ve just spent a rather fantastic hour watching Don Was – of Was (Not Was) fame – interview Ozzy Osbourne about the birth of Heavy Metal, Black Sabbath and that infamous reality TV show:

Ozzy: I only ever watched a couple of episodes, you know. I don’t like to see myself on TV. I’m all errr…whacked. I’m trying to fix myself when I’m watching me. Plus the fact I was that whacked out all the time, I couldn’t understand what the fuck I was talking about. They were thinking about putting subtitles on it – one in English and one in Braille.

Don: So you weren’t trying to play it up at all?

Ozzy: Oh no! You couldn’t be THAT dim!

The interview comes in eight parts. The first, which talks about Birmingham and The Beatles, is below. With all the parodies that exist out there is easy to forget just how lucid, down-to-earth, interesting and entertaining the ol’bat muncher from Aston can be:
