Help! I’m going to SXSW!

I’ve been putting off this blog post, due to the fact that what I am about to do is simultaneously awesome and terrifying!

I am one of the lucky, lucky West Midland digital media bods to be going to the SXSW Interactive festivial in Austin, Texas. We fly out this Friday and I know it’s going to be brilliant!

The group of five six, all covering different sections of the West Midland media industry, are going courtesy of Digital Central. The thinking behind the project is explained more in depth by Stef Lewandowski, who also went it SXSWi last year.

I’m looking forward to it (does it show?) but I can’t do it without you. This thing is SO BIG, I don’t know what to see, where to go, or what parties to drink at to make the most of my time there! So if you are someone with a passing interest in the future of journalism on the web (and I suspect if you’re reading this blog then you are), then I beg of you: Pop over to (where all of us will be streaming our feeds over the next week) and ask me to do stuff!

I will, of course, be tweeting the whole affair like a good’un and blogging too. I might even try a few other communication channels (if plans to get my mitts on a Nokia N95 pay off). One way of another, if you ask me to do something, I will feed back to you about it. So please, check out SXSWM and send me to some good stuff.

2 thoughts on “Help! I’m going to SXSW!

  1. Great to hear you’re so excited by it. I think you’ll all find it really useful. It’s a group of six though rather than five.


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