Author Archives: Joanna
links for 2008-03-29
“Streetgeek” Phil Campbell adds Yackpack to his website – allows visitots to chat to him over a “push-to-talk” system.
How a Bambuser ( superuser sets up hs kit!
links for 2008-03-28
The Guardian newspaper in London has just made a major hire direct out of Yahoo! to build a development platform to engage with developers and startups.
Bambuser-ling Brummie bloggers
Bambuser is a service that can stream live video from a webcam or mobile phone onto the Internet. I was shown it for the frist time in Preston by one of my tutors and today got a couple of Brummie bloggers (Pete Ashton and Stef Lewandowski) trying it out too. The result was quite entertaining – three windows with three conversations going on.
I like Bambuser and can see its potential for opening up the newsroom – perhaps streaming news conferences or getting journalists to check in with readers.
As with Qik, the mobile function also allows journalists to stream events live and to allows readers a chance to ask questions.
links for 2008-03-24
I have a feeling that this person used a bot to automatically follow me in an effort to take advantage of the fact that a lot of people will simply return the follow – in turn giving this person a new platform to pump their marketing message.
A video of how newspapers used to be. Well worth a watch.
Fantastic outline of the rise of blogs and the effect on journalism.
links for 2008-03-21
Forget statistics and pageviews; marriage proposals, folks, are what really cements a web service as a part of our everyday life.
It’s Easter…
…and I’m off for a few days to spend time with my nearest and dearest.
I will be leaving the tech where it is (except my new mobile!), so there will be no blogging for a few days.
Happy holidays to everyone.
Easter morning in the garden
Originally uploaded by Aeioux
links for 2008-03-20
The difference between SXSW Interactive and Music: ijustine: “How would you deal with upscaling of the infrastructure?” man: “Errr. I wouldn’t. I’d just chill.”
“…players don’t really know what they joined or why, but for me…it is a perfect implicit structure that can be used to start setting up the colorwar events…it is an idiom that can be used to create rapid affiliation and action models in the future.”
links for 2008-03-19
Adobe will develop Flash for the iPhone. Yup, they’re not going to use the existing Flash Lite; they’re going to develop a new version (or tweak the existing one) especially for the iPhone.
Oops! “For the sake of the sanity of those not at the event such as SXSW, we don’t need to be made jealous by your twittering of every person you run into or panel you listen to.” (via
Ode to Brum: “I’m lucky enough to live just off quite a trampy high street which is jam packed with charity shops! Not to mention super chavs, prams and crazy people. When everyone has their own prerogative and style, it’s so much easier to be yourself!”
I ‘put together’ (ahem, really just exported from Google Reader) an OMPL file of all the Brum blogs and search feeds I subscribe to.
Lords of the Blog is a collaborative blog written by Members of the House of Lords for the purposes of public engagement. (via
Penguin embraces new platforms for storytelling: six authers, six weeks – this week a story told using Google Maps. I like this… alot.
“The individual user has been king on the Internet, but the pendulum seems to be swinging back toward edited information vetted by professionals.”
Not sure I agree… -
Commerical Property Lawyer, Stuart Pemble, is turning out to be a real gem in the new Birmingham Post blogosphere: “Speaking personally, I’m not a fan and am all for bulldozing the entirety of Paradise Circus and starting again.”
“The Guardian has brought its typical idiosyncratic approach to social bookmarking with the launch of its social bookmarking service, Clippings.”
I don’t understand… why not use
Looking for a host to call home
On September 23 2007 I started this lil’ol blog claiming that I would “tentatively” look to the future of local and regional newspapers.
How things can change in six months!
Now, and I hope this doesn’t sound too cocky, I feel like I’m pretty much immersed in looking at the future of regional newspapers in the UK.
It has been a rapid education. For example, things that I did for the first time at SXSW include:
- Access Twitter over mobile internet.
- Interview people on a camcorder.
- Live stream video over a mobile phone.
- Blog via live streaming.
- Upload a video to Youtube.
- Speak on a podcast.
I know, I know, these are things I should have been doing already. Well… you’re right. In my defence, it’s taken me a while to build up the right kit in order to do much of the above.
Anyway, now I’m getting to grips with new platforms, I thought it was about time to get a host for this blog. I’ve been doing on the cheap by having it hosted free by WordPress, but I would like to have more freedom to play with the blog and I’ve been told the best way to do that is get me a host and download the lastest version of WordPress. Plus, I kinda need to learn how to manage my own website.
If this is right, then I could really do with some advice on hosts. I’m looking for something that is relatively cheap and reliable. Any ideas?